Welcome to Cabin River Flies. We’re a 20-year-old craft fly tying company reborn for the digital age, and at this point consider us a fast-growing toddler. Learn more about our history before you take a look around. After that, what you’ll find here are craft-tied flies.
Founded in 1996, Cabin River Flies was originally a small, craft-tying business.
Today, our goal is to bring the same craft-tied, by-the-fisher, for-the-fisher approach to flies that was integral to our original operation, all those years ago. But, we do this in a now digitized world, and thus the methods used must evolve, just like fly fishing has over the millenia humans have been doing it.
At Cabin River Flies of today, we’re committed to providing resources, tools, unique flies and fly tying products, and curated gear selections to the modern fly fisher through a high-quality, digital-first experience.