Our Products
Our core is the craft of fly tying and our mission to make the sport of Fly Fishing accessible to all. Our approach is basic: start with what we know, and make smart additions from there. We’re bootstrapped as a business, so we’re taking things as slowly and delicately as you might present to a monster trout in a crystal clear stream.
Craft-Tied Flies

Our first and foremost product area are craft-tied flies. Wait, what is a “craft-tied fly” you ask?? Good question, we asked too. Here’s the deal: all flies are “hand-tied”, kind of like all beer is “natural.” Duh. So we thought there should be a way to differentiate flies tied by professional tying factories (not saying there’s anything wrong with these, per se) and flies tied by craftsmen (and women). There are plenty of quality flies made in factories, and there’s validity to the argument that these mass-production facilities provide much needed jobs and good incomes in parts of the world where people have few options. That’s great. But crafting a fly is different. It’s not just a job, it’s a passion. For most fly crafters, it’s not a full-time job. Maybe it’s purely a hobby that helps offset the cost of that new rod. Maybe for others it’s the off-season from guiding. Maybe you just love tying size 22 chironomids so much that you do it 40 hours a week (said nobody, ever!). Or maybe it’s somewhere in between. Either way, we’re here for the crafted fly.
There’s more coming on this soon… keep your lines tight in the mean time!
Freshwater Synthetic Flies

Our second product line at present are these abominations we call SynthFlies. Yeah, after that nice spiel above about the fly crafter, you’re throwing a skeptical eye at your screen. But hear us out: these flies are pretty interesting. While we’re obviously all for the art and craft, we’re also for evolving the sport, and these new flies seem like a reasonable step. After testing them on three continents (so far) we’re pretty sure the fish agree too. Check them out, nobody’s going to force you to buy them, except maybe your fishing buddy who’s tried them and knows the difference – just sayin’. Oh, and for the record, they are tied too, albeit there’s less tying if thread involved in these patterns.
Shop our product line of SynthFlies on Amazon.com where you can enjoy immediate and reliable order fulfillment and fast, free shipping (for Prime members).
Saltwater Flies

If you’ve discovered Fly Fishing for saltwater species, well, you know. If not, you should try it, pronto! We’re working on how to bring high quality, values-rooted flies for Saltwater to our offerings. Stay tuned!